How many of your friends do you know that still have student loan debt years after they have graduated from college? How much do you have personally on your student loan? Do you have $50,000, $60,000, $70,000 or $80,000 and you are making $40,000 annually? From these numbers, it is impossible to pay off the loan, even if you are the best math wizard in the world. A recent survey shows that only 52% of students graduates from college, while 70% graduating students have loans, less than 10% don't know what rate they are paying back. You have to be a brilliant consumer of knowledge in order to escape the student loan crisis. Stay away from student loan, if you want to go to college from now on. The best way to do this is to go on google and search for scholarships which has tens of thousands of scholarships. There is no way someone will apply to 100 scholarships and you will not get between 7-10 scholarships. These are free money that will help you to graduate debt free. The go...