
Showing posts from 2016

Have you thought of your financial future today

The goal for everyone is to have a great life, live like no other person around. But, we need to plan for it and prepare for the future. We cannot live without a plan and hope that someone will take care of us. If, you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I hope you can make a difference today. One day One change.

Conversation about Friendship.

Hey First Class Family, here is a video talking about quality friendship and picking people who can win with you. It is essential to associate with people who are always in your team and not fair weather friends. Make friendship an art to be appreciated and not neglected or ignored. Merry Christmas and happy new year, my first class family.

Conversation about holiday spending.

Hey my first class family, here is a video discussing the effect of holiday spending and how it can affect your budget, saving, and investment. You are the owner of your future and buying something today that you cannot afford will not help you to plan accordingly. Instead, it will be a road block for your today, tomorrow, and your future. Please, keep careful when you are buying all those items without any money or financial plan to pay for it now. You do not want Christmas to pass and you are still paying for those gifts in September 2017.

The best advice to change your life in 18 minutes by Tai Lopez (Ted Talk).

Hey my first class family, how many of us want the best life possible, but are we ready to work for it? Everyone wants a good life, but who want to sacrifice for it? It is essential to find the gem that will make your life worth living and it can be done by studying, reading great books, and seeking help of great mentors. The beautiful life is close for us to grasp and the world will be yours. Go out and seek great mentors, then they will enrich your life with knowledge and wisdom beyond the sky. The world can be yours, if you work for it and the sky can have your name written on it. Everyone out there, have the power to change their destiny, future, and the power within them.

You can make your heaven or hell on Earth.

Hey, my first class family, I hope you all are having a blast with family, friends, and enjoying the holiday season. During the holiday period, it is important to plan and strategize for your financial future. I truly believe that it is for one's sake and legacy to make their own heaven or hell in life. As you continue to push through life's struggle and make it daily. Remember, the beginning of everything in life including finance, marriage, wealth, goal, vision, career, education, and family should come with the ending in mind. Awful things will happen to you, me, and majority of people, but do not let it weigh you down. Life will bring obstacles from left, right, middle, and problems from other people. Do not give up, continue to get up after each fall and life will get tired of you and let off the hold on you. Then, the sky will not be able to keep you from rising beyond. Believe in yourself, do not give up on yourself, fight each day as your last, at least if you succeed t...

A conversation about the middle class.

Hey my first class family, below is a short conversation video about middle class America by two friends. It is just a conversation to get the discussion started on the importance of uplifting people and society.

Americans Are Paying Apple Millions to Shelter Overseas Profits by Andrea Wong.

Hey my first class family, check out this article to see how companies are hiding or stealing tax payers' money in the United States.

Truly the best documentary that will impact your life right now.

Hey First Class Family,         This is the best documentary that have impacted my life. I am telling you-my first class family that you can change and improve your life, if you seek the best tool to do that. This documentary called "The Secret" gives you the very best techniques and tools in improving, promoting and winning in life, finance, family, relationships, goal setting, and achievements. In order, for each of you to win, check out this secret and implement them into your life and then you will win.

My Inspiration video for today by Zig Ziglar.

Hey First Class Family,         I wanted to share with you this video of inspiration from Zig Ziglar that helped me to get through the day. It has not been an easy 2016 and I know the year 2017 will be awesome and great. If your day and year has not been great. I hope you can use this video to inspire and build your hope for the future. Have a great day.

The decision today will not only affect you, your present family, but your future family, and legacy.

To build a successful future, it depends on us to make our dream or break our path to an amazing journey. We can only win, if we set out goals and visions for our successful future. If, we did not set out goals to win in life, we will not win. For those who refuses to set goals or try to forget about it intentionally will always have difficult trying to succeed in this game called life. The decision that you and I set today can be the change we need in life and help win in the process. In addition, if we continues to forget about our future, it is not only us that will struggle but our family, future generation, and our legacy in life. Everyone have a legacy that we leave behind and it is not only the rich that leave a legacy. But, the common person on the street has one too. Remember that every single decision that we make in life have a Pro and Con.  Ten or Fifteen years down the road, the goal for everyone is to live a life that we will be proud off close to the end of our life....

Do you know your investment calculator.

It is important to your what is in your 401K, IRA, Mutual funds, and Roth accounts. Do you know the range of your annual returns from your investments or do your investor have an idea of your returns? Knowledge is wealth and knowledge is money. Know your figures. INVESTMENT CALCULATOR Enter your starting balance $  What is the annual rate of return?  % How much do you plan to contribute monthly? $  How many years do you plan to contribute?  years How much will this investment be worth in …  years *Assumes yearly compounding Show Results Switch to Advanced Version VALUE: $0 Find an investing professional Bar Graph Pie Chart Tabular Data Year Previous Balance 0 0 Balance Contributions Interest Earned What if I gave up: Nothing Coffee Restaurants Pizza Soda Lunch ? *Please note that all numbers are estimates Sign Up...

Your retirement R:IQ by Chris Hogan.

Do you know how much you need to retire bigly or happily. How much will you need to shop at Kroger or buy your medications at Walgreens? More than 60% of Americans do not have any retirement savings. Are you one or have no future retirement in your timeline. Start today because  tomorrow is not guarantee.

The Easiest Budgeting Tool Available by Dave Ramsey

Do you have problem with budgeting? Do you know what your money is doing or are you living paycheck to paycheck with no end in sight? If, you have been trying other budgeting tool and it has not been helping. I have a great solution for you. Try this Free budgeting tool and I have been using it for the past two years and it has been amazing.

Documentary-Inside Job.

Remember-The British are coming, another financial crisis is a few years away. Are you financially ready, if recession hit today?

Happy Thanksgiving-My First Class Family from Tony Robbins.

Happy Thanksgiving- My First Class Family.

The 7 Steps of Financial Independence by Joshua Sheets.

A testimonial message from my good friend.

When it comes to saving money, self discipline has been one of my toughest struggles. I make impulse purchases, when it comes to food. And for this reason, I am not saving anything, I am dead broke, living in debt, paycheck to paycheck. I need to figure out a way to practice self-discipline and live on a strict budget. Please, feel free to share your story, by emailing it to The goal of this blog is to help each other through sharing our negative and positive life experience as a way to learn and use this knowledge to succeed in life.

Invest in yourself and your network.

Investing in yourself and changing your social circle can provide many benefits in your life. Networking with great people is an experiment to help you win in different areas in your life. Have you done anything productive today in your life to win? How many friends do you have around ready to win in life or are they frenemies? Think about it, Michael Jordan or Lebron did not wake up to become the best in their field. They work on their craft, they invested in themselves every single minute and day. If you want to get better in your field or passion, you have to work at it every time and continue to study other people who are better than you. Sometimes, we fail in life and every effort looks hopeless. Do not give up on your goal, dream, and passion by striving to get better each day. Michael Jordan missed more shots than he made. My advice is to invest in good network and they will help you to grow and achieve success. Next week, I will discuss how your decision today, will not only af...

Do you have loans-what is your interest rate and what is your plan to pay it off.

Do you know anyone who have loans or debts, I bet everyone of us do? Do you know anyone who is living the American dream by worry about looking into their mail box for bills or other loan repayment from banks? Do you know that new car you are driving and paying $499 car note every month is costing you millions of dollars in retirement? You can invest half of your car note's money for the next 25 years and you will retire with at least one or two million dollars to dance around when you are in your 60s. 7 out of 10 people you know right now are living paycheck to paycheck. Even though, I am not a believer of debts, car loans, house loans and personal loans including credit cards. I am shocked that a random research of 10 students from University of Cincinnati about student loans and their rates. Only 1 out of 10 students have an idea of the amount of debt and rate. You cannot win, when you fail to plan and execute. You cannot go to school to study anything and forget to plan for you...

Must Watch ! Best video of Tony Robbins The Power of Influence


Do not buy single stocks and do you know what is in your 401K.

                          Do not buy single stocks and do you know what is in your 401K    Playing the single stock game is the biggest risk you can make with your retirement and future. Buying single stocks presents too many risks and any abnormal movement in PR means your investment is gone. For example, let's take a look at past problems with Samsung, Chipotle, and Well Fargo. Putting all your life savings into a single stock means death by a strike or a blow, but if you invest your hard savings into good mutual fund options which contains multiple stocks and funds. Then, you have a great opportunity to do well, if one or two companies/stocks were having a rough time in the market. The rest of the stocks within the mutual funds will continue to yield better return than one and out. Remember the old proverb which says do not put all your eggs in one basket. Diversity of stocks within a mutual fund is the best...

You want to become a Millionaire, here is the best advice to become one. The Millionaire Advice.






The Gathering of Great Minds.

The goal for everyone is to continue to get better and improve from your weakness. We are always being judge by others every single day. How can we continue to be the very best in our field or work. We need to show good work ethics that is designed for winning and continue to make improvement in being the best. It is important to find people who have similar mindset of being great and winning in life. We cannot live alone or work alone, so we need great minds to complete our journey on earth. Having the ability to work and exchange ideas will help make every journey in business, finance, and life easy. If you want to be great, win, and succeed, it is essential to find and meet people of great and similar mindset in thinking, strategic planning, and seeking encouragement from the group. One place to find such gathering is called, the site is available in most cities in the United States and I hope around the world too. Since, I have joined this website, I have been able to en...

The Seven basics to fruitful life by John Wooden.

                                                  The Seven basics to fruitful life. 1). Stay true to yourself. 2). Make each day your master piece. 3). Help others. 4). Drink deeply from good books especially the bible. 5). Make friendship a fine art. 6). Build a raining day shelter. 7). Pray for guidance and give thanks for the blessings each day. Be quick, but do not be in a rush. What we give, we keep. What we did not give, we lose.

The 6 basic needs of every human.

The 6 basic needs of every human. 1). Certainty 2). Uncertainty 3). Special/Significant 4). Connect/Love 5). Growth 6). Contribution People will give up their goals and dreams to meet their needs. Progress is happiness.

What are your fundamentals in business.

What are your beliefs in life or business? The fundamental of life is a determinant of how your life will turn out. Writing down goals in your vision board can help you win and retire with good returns and great lifestyle. My personal goal with this blog and yours too, is not to change the world. But, do things that will benefit people and my community, if the world changes because of this blog, then I will be forever happy and excited. Here is an example of my fundamental or successful business approach. 1). Learn your trade. 2). Pay your debts. 3). Always keep your eyes open for opportunity. 4). Diversify your operations and take your business to the next level.

You have a choice, change your behavior to win.

The election is over, the winners are on mars celebrating and the losers are depressed about the results. People are losing friends, family members, and spouse over this election. Checking back from 2008 to 2009 elections, I cannot personally remember any elected official that have called or visited anyone of you. We cannot give away our choices to these politicians and expect them to return the favor to us. We cannot give away our last chance to win and rest it on the shoulders of corrupt, selfish, and ego driven politicians for a better life and future. When was the last time, you sit down and ponder about your financial future and retirement. When was the last time, you sit down and look at how much you are owing that corporate American bank next to your house, student loan, credit card and consumer loan. People need to focus more on their financial life, so that they will have better lifestyles and build great legacy for their families. Some people are choosing one party or the oth...

Focus on what you can control, not what you can't control.

Life can throw us a curve ball every now and then, from personal life, finance, business, and daily work. The best thing you can control is yourself and nothing else. I know, life can be difficult, frustrating, and stressful most times. But, you can be your own survivor and winner, if you believe in yourself. Building your confidence and believe in yourself is the biggest upside boost in one's life. Even, when you are rejected in life and in business by others, always believe in your work, dreams, and support with a zeal to work hard every day. Forget about the eternal factors which can affect us on a daily basis, but try to gain control of who you are and your destiny/purpose in life. The sky is not the limit, every individual can set their limit or height to their goal, dream and vision. I believed that no one can stop you, if you are truly determined and set a goal to reach your destination. Only you can stop your financial dream, only you can stop your academic goal, you cannot...

Education and college.

Education planning by Joshua Sheets.

Why go to College to study nothing, and come out with thousands of dollars in Debt.

I do not understand why people want to go to college to study something that is not marketable. Wasting money, just for other people to call you a college student is not a better investment for your future or provide additional respect to your life. College students cannot be borrowing money up to their eye ball to party and hang out with their friends, if college students decide to party and have fun. Then, rent an apartment close to the college campus and party your life away. No one will be mad at you, but it is irresponsible to borrow money and be in debt for the rest of your life for fraternity and sorority parties. College students should be selective in choosing a major that is marketable and they can find jobs after college. Students should apply for scholarships starting at the beginning of the senior year of high school until graduation from college. In addition, college students should work at least part-time during school year. It has been proven through evidenced-based res...

Vote for yourself and your future, not these politicians.

No political leader can save you or change our lives. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton cannot save you or improve your life, if you are not actively involved in your life. Each of us are the pilot and franchise player of our life, financial goal, and economic future. We cannot wait for any political party to change our lives or change our economic destination. We need to change the direction of our lives and work toward a better financial future. We have to become a change agent in reshaping our financial behavior inorder to win. Democratic party, Republican party, and Green party are always looking after their own people, donors, family members and friends. Maybe, one or two policies from the elected candidate can negatively or positively affect us and after that we are just like sheep waiting for dogs to direct our paths. Please, we cannot be the sheep waiting for politicans who are always seeking for their own satisfaction, family members, friends, donors, before the American people....

An example of student loan problem.

I'm 32 and nearly $50,000 in college debt. I feel like the whole educational system is a financial trap that many people do not know about. A lot of money is borrowed and used during the college years and when someone graduates and gets into the work force, they are starting their careers already in a sizeable debt that may take decades to payoff. I will embark on a journey of getting rid of this debt in the short term by using the techniques mentioned in this blog ( I look forward to this journey of being being student load and debt free and sharing my journey with this community. Below, I have attached my current student loans.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Account Summary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WELCOME  Close SectionTHINGS TO DO NOW Robot with a clipboard Set up text alerts. It's the easy way to stay informed about your loan payments and account status. We've approved your income-driven repayment application. View the status of your application. Upcoming Payments Auto Pa...

Life After Financial Independence.

Marrying Your Equal Is Better Than Marrying Rich.

How Much Should People Have Saved In Their 401Ks At Different Ages.

The First Million Might Be The Easiest: How To Become A Millionaire By Age 30.

The Rise Of Stealth Wealth: Ways To Stay Invisible From Society If You Have Money.

How To Build Passive Income For Financial Independence

Financial Samurai

Break the cycle of student loan or debt.

How many of your friends do you know that still have student loan debt years after they have graduated from college? How much do you have personally on your student loan? Do you have $50,000, $60,000, $70,000 or $80,000 and you are making $40,000 annually? From these numbers, it is impossible to pay off the loan, even if you are the best math wizard in the world. A recent survey shows that only 52% of students graduates from college, while 70% graduating students have loans, less than 10% don't know what rate they are paying back. You have to be a brilliant consumer of knowledge in order to escape the student loan crisis. Stay away from student loan, if you want to go to college from now on.  The best way to do this is to go on google and search for scholarships which has tens of thousands of scholarships.  There is no way someone will apply to 100 scholarships and you will not get between 7-10 scholarships. These are free money that will help you to graduate debt free. The go...

Earn interest and do not pay interest.

Interest is a very important topic to understand and use in today's financial world and investment. No one can be financially secure without letting interest work for them and not against them. When you have no interest to pay on your credit cards, personal loan, student loan and consumer loan, your money can work for you by earning interest. Interest is the eight wonder of the world, it can either work for us or against us. When you are buying all your Starbuck coffee on your credit card, the accumulating interest is working against you, while earning interest in your investment is a way that it is working for you. Most wealthy people always allow interest to work for them and not against them. A recent survey suggested that most wealthy people stated that the number one thing to help you build wealth is staying out of debt, no credit cards, saving your income, and earning interest in your assets. It is hard to build wealth and secure a better future, if you keep spending all your...

Do not have housing loan or personal loan in retirement.

Every reasonable financial advisor will ask you to not carry debt especially mortgage or personal loan in retirement. Paying off your mortgage before retirement is one of the beneficial move, to make before retirement. You can secure your retirement and remain stress-free by paying off debts. When you use limited income in retirement to pay off mortgage, it leads to a more stressful retirement with seniors. Mortgage debt can make a senior citizens to not pay for their medications, light, water, and foods. Senior citizens cannot go back to working 80 hours a week, so it is essential to eliminate mortgage debt before retirement. In addition, we do not know how long social security can survive and thrive with limited balanced book. Encouraging friends and families to pay off their mortgage and personal loan before retirement, is the perfect way to enjoy retirement and remain stress-free.

Do not spend beyond your means.

It does not make sense to spend and buy things, when you have no money to spend. You cannot earn $500 monthly, and decides to spend $650 every month. It is impossible to sustain this kind of lifestyle. No individual can be able to thrive by living paycheck to paycheck kind of life. In order to prosper and change your family tree or legacy, hard changes need to be made and implemented. The first thing is being true to yourself and your finance by doing budget, shopping more at the discount stores, cutting unnecessary things in your life like eating outside three to four times a week. Making all these changes will be difficult, but it is your only way to survive in the ever-changing economy. Stay away from using credit cards and close any open accounts by paying them off. Staying away from borrowing money from bank loans, personal loans, borrowing on your house and others. You cannot use borrowed money to build wealth. I have not seen any rich man or woman that states "I made my mon...

Breaking News-New Jersey Residents only.

Do you live in New Jersey and are you wealthy? or You know someone who lives in New Jersey. I have a very important Estates Tax plan for you.  Do not die until 2018, New Jersey have just changed their Estates Tax Law. Starting January 1, 2018, they have eliminated their Estates Tax Plan. That means no tax on any Estate in New Jersey.

Preparing for future financial crisis.

Are you prepared for any future financial crisis? How is your emergency funds looking? Will you be ready, if there is a Corporate or Global meltdown today? These are important questions that we need to consider today and prepare for the unknown with the Global and United States economy. Each of us need to start preparing for Global meltdown or recession in a few years like the one we had in 2008. I don't know how severe it will be, but once you are prepared, then you will be spot-free. Based on the recent United States and Global GDP, things are not looking up for  United States, China, Nigeria, EU and other countries around the World. China cannot keep lowering the value of their currency and export their economy out of trouble.  The EU and Feds cannot keep printing money like you are pouring water into a pot and be able to pull their economies out of sluggish pace. The QE was a brilliant idea initially, but it was a hinderance to the market and free enterprise due to its lon...

Commissions, Taxes, and Fees

Private Business

Student Loans

Canadian Payday Loans

Beat debt fast: Up and down with World Street, while Main Street i...

Beat debt fast: Up and down with World Street, while Main Street i... : When will the common people learn from the same pattern of behavior from gambling World Street; World Street has been playing the common peo...

Beat debt fast: Behavioral finance

Beat debt fast: Behavioral finance : Understanding finance is a complex topic or study that most people have difficulties grasping. It is like hearing a foreign or new language,...

Beat debt fast: You can't time the market.

Beat debt fast: You can't time the market. : I used to live with a good friend, who was always trying to time the market and one up on World Street. You cannot beat the system and time ...

You can't time the market.

I used to live with a good friend, who was always trying to time the market and one up on World Street. You cannot beat the system and time the market. The market is like a machine made up of fancy parts, difficult to beat as a system. You can win with the market, when you invest in a long period of time. Jumping in and out of the market is not a reasonable way of making money and being profitable. When you jump in and out of the market, there is a lot of cost associated with this move. Having patient and saving money for the long run is the only way to win with World Street. You cannot keep playing catch with World Street, big banks, and expect to win this game. It is always a losing game with World Street, you just have to be a little smart and crafty with World Street to win. Invest wisely and remember you cannot win with timing the market.

Behavioral finance

Understanding finance is a complex topic or study that most people have difficulties grasping. It is like hearing a foreign or new language, unfamiliar to others. That is how finance is, in order to grasp and do well in finance. It is essential to understand and master your behavior with money. You cannot have a love/hate relationship with money and expect to win in this money game. In order to win with money, you have to reshape your behavior and treat money as a friend and companion, not the enemy.  The best way to make your money work is through budgeting. Budget tells your money to behave and you have to control your emotion in-relation to handling your money. Make your money work and act accordingly to your plan. You cannot let Apple store, shopping, and buying things on emotion control your money and income. You have to tell your wants to wait, and focus on your needs. The way, you handle money will determine whether you have a better future or continue to be a slave to corpo...

Up and down with World Street, while Main Street is always going down.

When will the common people learn from the same pattern of behavior from gambling World Street; World Street has been playing the common people like a game. The market is always up and down, you cannot rest your future and progress in World Street. Main Street have been struggling every single year and things need to change or the common people will suffer for a long time. World Street is like flash boys and will continue to be one.  I am not saying, don't invest in mutual funds or ETF, but not single stocks. But, single stocks is a big risk, a bad PR by the company means your money and stock is gone. So, why should we wait for 65 years or 70 years to enjoy the money, we worked hard for, and have been contributing into the market.  Why not enjoy a better life and invest in yourself, start a small business to secure your now and future. I believe that every individual should use half of their income to start a business which they have a passion and tested the business to make s...

The life of every young man and woman.

I don't believe that there is any young man or woman who want to continue living a debt life like the generation before them. I do believe that everyone out in the society wants to live a debt free life. In order to live a debt free life, there is a lot of work that needs to be accomplish. You cannot wish to be a good baseball player without putting in the work on the field everyday. You cannot be a good football player without practicing every single day to make it possible. You cannot win the American Idol show without practicing your singing skill everyday in your room or outside for people to offer suggestions. Every man or woman want to be successful in life, success requires hard work and dedication. It is important that every young man and woman should study personal financial education, so they would not make the same mistakes their parents and grandparents made. The world is changing and only the financial skilled and strong will survive. Only the financially wise and skil...

College student anthem


Beat debt fast by D.E. Money.

Hello Everyone,           I truly welcome you to this first blog and forum in beating debt fast. Debt can make the future looks hopeless, empty, and continuous struggle.  I want us to use this forum to discuss the future with no debts, saving money, investing in good growth and balance mutual funds.  There are so many misconception of money and how to use it effectively.  I will share my experience with money, beating debts, surviving hardships, overcoming difficulties with money management.  We will use this forum to help students, who are drowning in student loans with no end in sight. We will talk about investing, saving and spending wisely.  The goal is to be a helping hand to each other as we go through this journey and manage our money much better.  Where are you in your journey with debt freedom?  Do you have hope in overcoming debts?  Do you believe that there is a light at the end of the tunnel?  Is money ta...